Mid-Century Christmas

December 21, 2011 at 7:21 pm | Posted in decor, life, mid-century, modernism, pregnancy | Leave a comment
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Greetings from December 21st — my official due date! The day has come and still no bebe. But I remain feeling really good, and surprisingly very calm too. The baby has been moving a bunch — I had my midwife appointment today and let’s just say things are moving along. I just need to be sure to keep active by walking to march this baby down.

Since I’m out of work for (pre) maternity leave, I’m sooo happy to be able to take in the holiday spirit which tends to easily fly by due to our busy lives. My sister and her (Irish!) boyfriend, Mick are staying with me which has made the season extra special as Daryle and I await the arrival of our little one.

As you probably recall, Daryle’s birthday is Christmas day. We are always so excited to get the house in order for festivities. When Daryle’s parents retired and relocated, we scored a ton of his family’s Christmas decor including his mom’s Christmas Department 56 collection. Some may call it nerdy, but the ceramic villages are so charming and beautiful. Every year, Daryle carefully sets up the towns, and decorates the scene with carolers, and snowy evergreens. I swear he loves to do it because it reminds him of playing with G.I. Joe figurines.

Department 56 over the mantel.

Our tree shimmers!

Our nativity scene. My friend commented that the figures are “almost life size” which makes me crack up. They are pretty big.

A goofy picture, but I love this thing — a faux log and fire set. When you plug it in, it makes a crackling noise. It lets off no heat, but I swear I can feel warmth from the sound.

And a new addition this year — my mom picked out two fabulous tinsel trees! We love them and so far the cats have left them alone. :)

Have you decked your halls this year?

Here’s hoping for a little bundle to share the holiday spirit with soon~~~



Pregnancy Update: So close

December 14, 2011 at 6:20 pm | Posted in life, pregnancy | 2 Comments
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Well, hello, here I am in all my glory with a little one that’s ready to make his mark on the world. It’s unbelievable to me that my due date is one week from today. It feels like it has been such a short amount of time — on the other hand it feels like it has been one eye-opening journey because every step of the way has been a cautious one, working to live and eat healthily while being mindful of my thoughts and emotions. Now everything I do, I wonder at what point will labor begin. In all seriousness, I look at the items in my refrigerator and see the milk and eggs expire after my due date. That’s crazy! Or, I think about the monotonous things I do like grinding coffee beans for the next few days and wonder how many more times will I do this before I meet my son.

I had my 39 week appointment and everything checked out well. The baby is in the right position and my belly is measuring on track — though a little on the big side. It’s just a matter of keeping active — walking as much as possible will bring the baby down and doing cat/cow stretches will ensure that he stays in the optimum position. My midwife said to treasure this week (or so) and meditate, have a massage, and to just love life. I feel like I have so much love to be thankful of. My husband holds my hand and gives me sweet kisses. My sister has made her journey from France to be near me, and my mom is so incredibly excited she can hardly contain it. I am so thankful for all the support, but even with that come the nerves. I’ve researched and read and practiced all of the things that involve a natural delivery. It’s all I think about. I believe I am up for the task but the unknown remains a bit scary. I am asking my friends and loved ones to float positive energy in my direction. Whatever your beliefs are — a prayer, a thought or a whisper for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

With love in my heart and determination in my being — that’s the state of me.


Update: Pregnancy and natural delivery

October 28, 2011 at 8:58 am | Posted in pregnancy | 5 Comments
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Who’s a big girl now?

Hi! Here I am at 32 weeks pregnant! Read: I’m in the first week of my eighth month of being pregnant and I honestly cannot believe how time is racing by. I keep saying to my coworkers that the bigger my belly gets, the redder my lipstick will be. I need something to bring passerby’s eyes a little higher. I’m hard to miss.

I am constantly bewildered at the how much this little one is growing. For me, pregnancy was something that I knew I would go through, but it always remained in the future. I’ve been blessed with an overall easy time. When I look down at myself, I can’t believe how far I’ve come and how close everything really is.

Over the last few years, I’ve become interested in the idea of having a natural delivery. I actually read a bunch of blogs on the subject — for fun believe it or not, and watching the documentary The Business of Being Born solidified my decision. When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to find the right doctor’s practice for me. Washington, DC’s c-section rate is a solid 30%. One thing that I am terrified of is abdominal surgery. No thank you. I really liked the obgyn practice that I had been with for years, but they too had a very high c-section rate which sat uncomfortably with me. I did a bunch of research and asked all my friends and co-workers who had had babies what route they went through. Eventually I was introduced via email to two women who delivered with a midwifery practice that is affiliated at a local hospital — it’s the only one in DC. I attended an informational session with the practice which is run by four midwives. There they talked about how common it is to treat pregnancy and child birth as a pathology — something that you treat rather than allow to progress on its own. The over medicalizing of labor can introduce a sort of spiral to more treatments (pitocin, epidural, more pitocin) and then before you know it, your body isn’t in charge anymore, it is just trying to respond to all of the chemicals in the bloodstream. This spiral can (not always) introduce stress on the baby, on the mother and send the doctor suggesting more interventions when things don’t progress in a timely manner. That isn’t the path for me.

In order to enroll in the midwife program, patients must be in “excellent” health with no pre-existing conditions, get plenty of exercise, and be able to follow their super strict nutritional guidelines. Thankfully, I fit the requirements and was excited for an excuse to do all my grocery shopping at Whole Pay Check Foods for organic produce and meat. The approach is holistic in a sense that they want the mother to be getting necessary vitamins from whole foods and don’t necessarily even recommend taking extra supplements — the idea being, if you are following their dietary guidelines, you are getting the nutrition you need. (I still am taking prenatals vitamins on top of the caveman diet I’m on.)

The eating and exercise have proven to be the most difficult. The cravings come on strong. Never in my life have I eaten more raisins and medjool dates. Oh, and chocolate. :) Like, daily. While I continue to have jam packed days at the office, it remains hard to get enough exercise too. It’s easy to say “oh just go for a walk at lunch” but most days I barely have a moment to step away to grab a Sweet Green salad to scarf down at my desk. So to compensate, I have simply started getting up earlier and Daryle and I go for a long walk around the neighborhood. It’s actually a really special time for us because in the midst of our busy-busy lives — on these walks we hold hands, catch up, and admire other people’s dogs and gardens.

Through the pregnancy, we have grown even closer. Never could I have ever imagined a more loving person to be with. Daryle remains patient and sweet, and so supportive through my quest to have a natural delivery. I guess I sort of had a fear that being a guy, he would be grossed out by our natural childbirth class or just disinterested. Seriously — there were those guys in our class. But even through my emotional sobbing fits (it really happens) he remains unphased. And that makes me happy.

So from here, I pray for continued good health. A lot of people have told me to not be wedded to the idea of natural childbirth. And I will admit, I’m no psychic — I don’t know what the future holds. But on the other hand, I can’t get over the fact that people doubt the strength of the mind and body. This is what the female body was designed to do. If I said I was running a marathon, I doubt people would say “wow, you’re out of your mind” but would say something like “good for you!” And that’s how I am looking at this. I’m doing the best I can with what I have. Preparing myself mentally and physically for when the time comes to meet this little person inside me. I will admit, the unknown is absolutely petrifying. But I believe I am up to the challenge. And what a better way to get me through the unknowing fear when I know I’ll have my own little creation to hold in my arms.


Date Night

September 28, 2011 at 12:53 pm | Posted in DC, life, photography, pregnancy | Leave a comment
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::My attempt at being a reportage photographer—on myself::

I’m getting bigger by the minute. Here, I am actually sort of proud of my outfit, and Daryle just looks so dashing in his JFK jacket. We were heading to the restaurant Black Salt to meet my sweet old roommate, Behnam who was in town from Beirut. Great ambiance, and I had the best clam chowder of my life. I practically licked the bowl clean—I’m still talking about it!

The following day, I cleaned up all that crapola in the picture and Windexed the mirrors. Oh life. :)

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